Past Client Portfolio

Athena’s Heart
THD Portfolio AthenasHeart

For Athena’s Heart I am my own client, it’s a new mini micro business for a hobby of mine. A place where I can share the jewellery I make by hand, weaving lots and lots of small chain links into the final pieces.

In this project I get to use every skill of mine. So while the website is still in progress (due to prioritising clients work over my own projects) it is still being made. That doesn’t mean I can’t show your the brand logo and graphics made so far for it.

As a little heart hobby that gives me satisfaction and joy in making something beautiful, strong and bold. I wanted a space to share it .. and saying as I am a website, branding, graphics and photographer, well .. I can!



This was a wordpress website, branding, graphics and photography project.

I love my clients (ie. my own) testimonial.

I launched this little micro business  in the later end of 2019, after a long bout of flu / cold / cough season. I did this within my networking group and the feedback on both my jewellery and having them part of the decision making process of what colours, fonts and logo concepts was invaluable. 

Turns out everyone loved the same one I did! I love the repeating lines of the chain, over the distinct shape of the heart. Bold, clean and creative, exactly the words I wanted represented in the brand.

– Cathie Heart of Athena’s Heart
(and also this business The Heart’s Design)

THD BrandingLogo AthenasHeart

Check out the simple design of the website landing page:

(tip: hover over the images to auto scroll)

Home Page

Athena's Heart - Home Page Design

Shop Page

THD Portfolio AthenasHeart Shop

Shop Item Page

THD Portfolio AthenasHeart ShopItem

Blog Page

Athena's Heart - Home Page Design

Contact Page

THD Portfolio AthenasHeart Contact

Coming Soon

AthenasHeartUK ComingSoon