On Social Media Marketing – Loving Likes and Humour on Facebook

Monday, 25th May 2020

Be Social | Marketing | Marketing Monday | MondayMotivation

Facebook: one of the main social media marketing networks as you know, has updated its like button to be an emotion reactions. You can have a reaction to: like, love, care (a recent emoticon in these Covid19 times of 2020), laugh, wow, sad, angry.

The emotional reactions bar on the social media network Facebook

A ‘like’ thumbs up nowadays is so blase, it’s the simplest way for people to say ‘I see what you’re doing and I like it’. But. Wouldn’t it be so much more powerful to have one of these more meaningful reactions:

  • oh I love what you’re doing
  • that is so funny
  • I care about what your doing
  • wow, that is amazing
  • oh that so sad I feel like crying with you
  • I’m so mad that this happened

Emotions are powerful, you’re engaging and reacting to a post by someone show your emotions and connect with them on a deeper level. Plus if you’re showing support to help a friends business, you’ll help them so much more with an emotional reaction than a simple like. Yet, if you only have 1 second to click like, it’s better than no engagement at all.

Besides the obvious that you can feel many things, Facebook gives different engagement weights to different reaction emotions and feelings. This is powerful when it comes to marketing well on a social network, not just Facebook but all the others too that display different reaction buttons. The more different reactions you get, which includes the all-powerful comments engagement, the better your future posts displays within that network.

So this is a friendly reminder that being social, is all about engagement .. that’s what we are all chasing, that real connection with others. So hearts, likes, funny laughs and the highest reaction of all: a comment .. these are all engagements that social networks are tracking and weighing up. Be with your ideal people in their spaces, help them and let them know you are there with an engagement that helps them and get you noticed faster.

I certainly appreciate every heart, laugh and even an anger emotion because it means I’ve connected with you in some way.

If you like what you’ve read, please share this blog post .. cheers!

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