It might seem a little unusual to be a WordPress website designer, writing about self-care but it’s vital in these strange times. I am a small business owner, self-employed and fully get the experience and know the risks for working every day and not taking breaks! So if you’re in business on your own .. you can’t do everything and you can’t do the work every day of the week. It’s not why you started your business .. to be working all the hours! If you’re like me .. you want to be self-employed to have flexibility in your work / life balance. To be able to carve out time for joy when it presents itself.
Oh internet .. I’ve done the over working thing, been there, recovered, relapsed and try to remind myself that just because I’m thinking about it, doesn’t mean I need to be working on it right there and then. So if it’s a great idea you want to remember, keep a notebook or bullet journal near you and make that note.
I confess that I am a constantly recovering perfectionist (I’ll say this often as being a perfectionist is a business killer) .. I want things to be good, to have value and I also a drive to over-deliver like its a competition but it comes with a cost to myself. Loss of time with family, sickness when I push myself too hard, inability to focus due to being overtired. It leaks out in all sorts of niggly ways that will surprise you.
So while we are working in strange times, during lockdown to flatten the infection rates of Covid-19, don’t go to the beach (feel free to stare at the one above and feel your shoulder sink into relaxation) but maybe a walk into the countryside or setting up a bedsheet fort in your living room and reading by a lamp under some fairy lights.
Whatever your way of relaxing is, do this and intentionally focus on something different. Get the kids’ craft paints out and mark up some stones with mandala dots. Photograph your cat being a zen sleeper of happiness, see Miss Fliss for my guru guide to finding happiness in small moments. Get creative and do something entirely other than you normally do.
So give yourself a break, be kind and during these stressful times, remember .. you can only give more, do more and grow when you’ve fuel in your own tank. So whatever it is that fills that inner reservoir of strength .. fill it up!